Monday, April 14, 2014

Practical Signal Conditioning


The purpose of this lab was to use an operational amplifier to perform an operation and observe a signal. We used a LM35 semiconductor to translate the ambient air temperature into a voltage signal. This would give us a temperature which would be converted into the Fahrenheit scale from the Celsius scale through the op amp. 

   We tested the LM35 with 9 V into it relative to ground and seeing what voltage we get as output. We go an output current of 220 mA which was a magnitude representation of the ambient room temperature.

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 We found the necessary and available resistors to get the proper conversion factors to convert the signal voltage into the comparable Fahrenheit voltage. 

We then connected the LM35 to the op amp into the circuit shown. We also used a potentiometer to adjust the input voltage and the output we got:

Using the temperature equation we found the output current to be 0716 A.
The error is shown here.

This application of op amps demonstrates a practical use of signal conditioning for observing the temperature. It is much more convenient to have a real time temperature with simple signals than to have to convert the temperatures otherwise. The error may have be due to approximations in calculations.

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